Implicit Beliefs about Responsible and Irresponsible People: An Study of Factor Analysis of the Taxonomy of Personality Terms in Spanish




Personality, Implicit Theories, Big Five, Responsibility, Irresponsibility


Background: The dimensional structure underlying the implicit beliefs about two prototypes: responsible and irresponsible person is investigated by means of factor analysis.

Method: 520 university students evaluated the degree of adaptation to these prototypes of the 50 personality adjectives of the Taxonomy of Personality Terms in Spanish (TAX 50) by Iraegui Torralbo and Quevedo-Aguado (2002). The results were analyzed using factor analysis with oblique and orthogonal rotations, and the Principal Components Analysis extraction method.

Results: Factor analyzes with orthogonal rotation showed 4 independent components that explained the structure underlying the beliefs about the prototypes. The component that explained the most variance was the combination of two factors from the TAX 50 taxonomy: Responsibility and Integrity.

Conclusions: From a lexical approach, the method used allows us to know the factorial structure underlying the beliefs about prototypes of responsible and irresponsible people. The methodology used helps to investigate the contribution of each of the Big Five personality factors to the lay description of prototypes of people.


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11/10/2022 — Updated on 12/10/2022




Research articles

How to Cite

García-Hernández, F. R., & Quevedo-Aguado, M. P. (2022). Implicit Beliefs about Responsible and Irresponsible People: An Study of Factor Analysis of the Taxonomy of Personality Terms in Spanish. Apuntes De Psicología, 40(2), 59-70. (Original work published 2022)

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